as i mentioned in my last post...
i gonna to share wif u all about our broga hiking trip...
the trip is not planned as well...
my pinkie showed the time 12.xx am
as usual,
i was facebook-ing or jbtalks-ing...
jk msn me:" wan watched sunrise later?"
yan:" later mean how later? now oso midnight ad lor..."
jk:" 4.30am" yan:"ok!wad i nid 2 prepare for?"
jk:" long pants"
yan:"i think i prefer to wear the shorts"
jk:"sport shoes"
yan:" i just hav heels and boots and slippers"
yan:"i dun think i hav it"
jk:"thn just bring water"
yan:"tis 1 i got"
finally, i got 1 thing tat he mentioned.
they always be punctual but not me...
they rang me around 4.30am but i still in my dream...
jk:" we are just around the corner to reach your home"
i havent prepare for anything as well...
simply brush my teeth and fill up my bottle,
comb my hair and take my camera thn leave my house...
the most funniest thing is, my mum is still awake..
she asked:" havent sleep ar?"
"No. Mum. I just awake and now i gonna go out wif my frens. We are gonna to watch sunrise together today."
they pick me up thn v rush to newice's house...
find something to eat as our breakfast at the Mamak nearby...
never try me again...
i think can recall the breaksfast tat qiyuan order- ROJAK...
awful yerrrr...
thn, only start our journey to broga,
honestly, we lost, although v r under the guidance of GPS
finally reach the rabbit farmland as the magazine mentioned...
i still not sure v still can watched the sunrise coz we were late...
but anyway, we started our hiking journey...
honestly, i totally in a wrong attire...
polo T, short pant, slippers and a handbag...
i really look like go shopping but not hiking...
the journey is killing me...
i totally give up on the half way...
it is too hard and tough for me...
i am just a little girl who wan to be pampered and cherished...
i dunwan to be suffer like tat,
i miss my bed,
miss my blanket and my air-cond...
and freezed coke~
they keep fraud me tat there are a booth at the last peak which distribute free coke over there,
they said,
free coke is ready for who can reach there...

i gonna to share wif u all about our broga hiking trip...
the trip is not planned as well...
my pinkie showed the time 12.xx am
as usual,
i was facebook-ing or jbtalks-ing...
jk msn me:" wan watched sunrise later?"
yan:" later mean how later? now oso midnight ad lor..."
jk:" 4.30am" yan:"ok!wad i nid 2 prepare for?"
jk:" long pants"
yan:"i think i prefer to wear the shorts"
jk:"sport shoes"
yan:" i just hav heels and boots and slippers"
yan:"i dun think i hav it"
jk:"thn just bring water"
yan:"tis 1 i got"
finally, i got 1 thing tat he mentioned.
they always be punctual but not me...
they rang me around 4.30am but i still in my dream...
jk:" we are just around the corner to reach your home"
i havent prepare for anything as well...
simply brush my teeth and fill up my bottle,
comb my hair and take my camera thn leave my house...
the most funniest thing is, my mum is still awake..
she asked:" havent sleep ar?"
"No. Mum. I just awake and now i gonna go out wif my frens. We are gonna to watch sunrise together today."
they pick me up thn v rush to newice's house...
find something to eat as our breakfast at the Mamak nearby...
never try me again...
i think can recall the breaksfast tat qiyuan order- ROJAK...
awful yerrrr...
thn, only start our journey to broga,
honestly, we lost, although v r under the guidance of GPS
finally reach the rabbit farmland as the magazine mentioned...
i still not sure v still can watched the sunrise coz we were late...
but anyway, we started our hiking journey...
honestly, i totally in a wrong attire...
polo T, short pant, slippers and a handbag...
i really look like go shopping but not hiking...
the journey is killing me...
i totally give up on the half way...
it is too hard and tough for me...
i am just a little girl who wan to be pampered and cherished...
i dunwan to be suffer like tat,
i miss my bed,
miss my blanket and my air-cond...
and freezed coke~
they keep fraud me tat there are a booth at the last peak which distribute free coke over there,
they said,
free coke is ready for who can reach there...
